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How are other engineers solving challenging problems? That's what I aim to share in this twice-monthly livestream on LinkedIn, Twitter, and the Elektor TV - Industry channel on YouTube. Talking to experts in electronics and semiconductors, I explore how processors are built using RISC-V, what makes for a good display, and how GaN and SiC are displacing silicon MOSFETs.

Show #29

QSPICE - A New Simulation Tool Suited to SiC Applications

It's tempting to get the soldering iron out and start building when you have a new circuit idea. However, some applications, like power converters operating at high voltages and currents, are challenging to refine on the bench. Instead, simulating the circuit and exploring your options makes sense before committing your ideas to a copper-clad board. New in the engineer's toolbox is QSPICE, a new simulation tool from Mike Engelhardt for Qorvo. Pete Losee also joined us, sharing his insights on SiC devices that benefit from QSPICE's capabilities.

Show #27

You say high reliability, and I say high reliability...

Want to know if your product idea will succeed or be a steaming heap of failure? Then check out what Alberto Savoia has to say in our latest Elektor Engineering Insights interview. As a former Sun Microsystems and Google employee, he's seen the heady heights of success. But he also wound down a failed startup with $25 million of venture capital funding. Discover what Alberto thinks of the fictional world of business plans, the value of YODA - your own data - and how to discover the reality of your target market through pretotyping (before prototyping). And learn why engineering types, like Elektor members, are probably better placed than most to lay such solid foundations.

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